Grasscutting Service
(Private tenants only – Council tenants should contact their local council)

- We offer a seasonal grass cutting service to private tenants aged +55 in South Ayrshire.
- This service is limited to residents living in the Ayr & Prestwick area however we will consider locations within proximity of these towns if capacity allows.
- We work in partnership with a local contractor to do the work.
- We offer a basic ‘cut-and-lift’ service only that entails strimming your lawn and removing the cuttings and leaving it tidy. We do not offer border or shrub maintenance.
- The cost is subsidised by Age Concern Ayr SCIO and is available from late March to late September.
- Availability is on a first-come-first-served basis and your grass will be cut at fortnightly intervals throughout the Summer. When bad weather restricts a cut, we aim to cut it a soon as possible to the expected date.