Services | Activities | Facilities
We use all proceeds from Age Concern Ayr SCIO’s shop in Crown Street to finance a range of both practical services and recreational activities for the +55s in South Ayrshire and we are indebted to our local community for continuing to support us in this way by returning to our shop.
Where there is cost involved in the activities we promote, income generated by our shop allows us to subsidise and offer these at a greatly reduced rate. Below is a snapshot of just some – but by no means all – of our established services and regular activities. Our scope is not limited to the activities on this page and we review our business model to ensure we are providing something that is relevant and add value to our community. Please call 01292 265304 for more information if you are interested in finding out more about these.

We offer a seasonal grass cutting service to private tenants aged +55 in South Ayrshire. The cost is subsidised by Age Concern Ayr SCIO and is available from late March to late September. We operate it on a first come first served basis and your grass will be cut at fortnightly intervals throughout the Summer. We work in partnership with a local company to do the work. To find out more about this service, please visit our Grasscutting page or call 01292 265304
Summer Trips

We are always pleased to offer our customers, Summer trips to various places of interest in Scotland. Again, these trips are offered at a subsidised rate and we try to balance the day trip with a mixture of relaxation in the coach, then a meal at a chosen venue and some sight seeing or some shopping in a local town high street. In the past we have taken people to such places as The Visitor Centre at New Lanark, the picturesque village of Luss on the shores of Loch Lomond, a ‘paddle’ down the Firth of Clyde in The Waverley and on our most recent trip, an island hop on the ferry to Arran where the local distillery was inundated with our eager guests (see pic below). In 2020 we were due to visit the Kelpies and the Falkirk Wheel but this was put on hold until next time due to restrictions. As the trips become available again we publish details in our Crown St shop and on our Facebook & Twitter pages. There is more info on our Trips page.

Benefits Advice
As described more fully on our Advice & Info Centre page we offer assistance to over 55’s all year round on all matters.

Supporting Local Sheltered Housing Events

Another way we use income generated from our shop is to subsidise the cost of catering at various calendar and topical events at South Ayrshire Council’s sheltered housing communities. We work with a local caterer to offer soup, sandwiches, traybakes etc at their functions through out the year.
Afternoon Fish Tea at Nardinis

A favourite with our regulars over the years, Age Concern Ayr SCIO run an afternoon coach trip from our Crown St shop to Nardinis Restaurant in Troon for our customers to enjoy a fish tea before spending some time walking through the town. We offer this on a first come first served basis and tickets are subsidised and advertised in our shop and our Facebook & Twitter pages a few weeks in advance.
Connecting with our Third Sector partners
As the pandemic took effect in 2020 we were able to offer financial support and make a donation to VASA (Voluntary Action South Ayrshire) the recognised Third Sector Interface (TSI) for the region to assist them in their work supporting the local community. Age Concern Ayr SCIO acknowledges that these pledges of support are only possible because of the donations of pre-loved items received and the income generated from them at our charity shop and we recognise and thank our customers and volunteers for their contribution towards this. It is an example of our local community supporting our local community. You will find a list of useful links on our Partners page