Age Concern Ayr

pic of shop front

Age Concern Ayr SCIO Charity Shop

Our Charity Shop is located at 5 Crown Street in Ayr and is run entirely by Age Concern Ayr SCIO’s greatest resource: A team of dedicated Volunteers. WIthout these volunteers raising funds, there would be no Advice & Information Centre.

The shop exists purely on donations handed in from members of the public. (We do not have a donation uplift service)

Donations we can accept:
• Books
• Clothes / Shoes
• Bags / Suitcases
• DVDs, CDs
• Electrical Items (fully working only please)
• Games
• Bric a brac
• Board Games
• Ornaments
• Dishes / Glasses
• Pictures etc

Donations we cannot accept:
• VHS Videos
• Printers
• Large Furniture (limited space)
• Non working or broken items

If in doubt, please call the shop on 
01292 262894 to check if we can take your items

volunteers needed image

We are always looking for volunteers so please call our office on 01292 265304 to discuss


*Donating to and purchasing from, our Shop enables YOU, our local community, to provide some essential services for our older communities in their localities.



Charity Shop


5 Crown Street, Ayr, KA8 8BY 

Opening Times

Monday to Saturday:

10am – 12:30pm

(12.30pm – 1.30pm – Closed for lunch)

1:30pm – 3:45pm


Tel: 01292 262 894

Safety Information


Post Covid Safety Information

As we are a non essential shop, we ask all customers to follow the current Scottish Government guidelines at the time of their visit to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and customers

A maximum of 5 customers at any one time

Wear a mask/face covering (if you feel nervous)

Keep 2 metres apart

Use hand sanitiser